All you need to know about dairy and going dairy-free.


Dairy – Corporate Cruelty

There is no such thing as ethical dairy. Standard dairy farms are horrifying places, filled with heart-breaking cruelty. Calves torn and isolated from their mothers, cows with udders so large their spines ‘bend’, shackled back legs, painful infections such as mastitis – this is the truth of dairy.

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Dairy is Scary Cinema Advert


Almost every dairy calf is taken from their mother shortly after birth so her milk can be sold to us. And the fate of thousands of male calves? Heartbreaking. In 2024 alone, 81,744 male dairy calves under eight months old were killed – 49,204 in slaughterhouses and 32,540 on farms before they reached two months old, simply because they can’t produce milk. These males are called by the industry the ‘trash’ or ‘unwanted by-products’ of dairy.

Viva!’s powerful cinema ad, Dairy is Scary, exposes this hidden cruelty. Now showing nationwide, it reveals the suffering behind every glass of milk – from grieving mothers to the ruthless killing of male calves. This is what the dairy industry doesn’t want you to see.

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Why go dairy-free?


Ditching dairy is one of the best things you can do for your health. Why? Because drinking milk past infancy isn’t natural.

Around two-thirds of the world’s adults are lactose intolerant – clear proof that breast milk is for babies. Yet, the dairy industry plays on our emotional attachment to milk, using clever marketing to convince us it’s essential for strong bones and daily health. But it’s not!

Don’t be fooled – dairy companies are selling a product, not health advice. Remember, there was a time when even doctors promoted cigarettes. Industry-backed marketing can be powerful, but the truth is clear: we don’t need dairy.


How to be dairy-free


Going dairy-free is a smarter choice for your health and kinder for the animals. Here are some easy swaps to get started:


Campaigns & investigations


Viva!’s campaigns and investigations reveal the shocking reality of British factory dairy farms. Click below to uncover the truth behind ‘standard practices’ and see the positive impact of our outreach.






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