Why Animal Products Harm – Meat

You don’t need to eat meat. In fact, cutting meat out of your diet can do you a lot of good because humans are not true carnivores and meat-eating has a wide range of detrimental health effects. The more meat you eat, the more serious the consequences can be.
- Eating meat increases your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s because meat contains harmful saturated fats, animal protein and haem iron.
- Avoiding meat altogether can lower your cholesterol levels and blood pressure and it may even reverse heart disease.
- Meat consumption increases your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 74 per cent.
- Meat contains several cancer-causing compounds. Some of them are in meat naturally, some of them form during cooking, processing or digestion.
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) classified processed meat as carcinogenic (causing cancer) and red meat as probably carcinogenic.
- Meat consumption may increase the risk of bowel, stomach, lung, kidney, bladder, pancreatic, thyroid, breast and prostate cancer.
- People who eat meat daily, particularly red and organ meats, are at high risk of gout – a painful joint condition.
- People who eat meat daily are much more likely to be obese than people who don’t.
- Eating meat contributes to weight gain as much as eating sugar.
- Meat protein produces acid in the body which makes the kidneys work extra hard.
- Eating too much meat and too little calcium may undermine your bone health.
- Meat – poultry in particular – is the main source of bacteria causing food poisoning.
- Mass use of antibiotics at animal farms is driving the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – many of them can cause life-threatening disease in people, not treatable by any medicines.
- Animal farming is responsible for huge amounts of greenhouse gases and environmental pollution. Plant foods are much more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Keep reading for detailed information and references.
Cutting meat out of your diet is not just a healthy choice, it’s also an ethical and sustainable one. If you’re used to meals based around meat, the idea of going meat-free may be daunting but we’re here to help make it super easy! Try vegan!
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All about meat
Find all the above and more in Viva!’s hard-hitting scientific report Meat the Truth.
“This report reveals what the meat industry doesn’t tell you. Find out what substances in chicken, beef, pork and lamb are linked to our biggest killers – heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It will leave you in no doubt about the harm meat does and explains why going meat-free is one of the best things you can do if you want to lead a long and healthy life.”
– Dr Michael Greger, physician and international speaker on nutrition, food safety and public health and author of How Not to Die.