Fruit and Veg juices may cut Alzheimer’s risk
New research suggests that drinking fruit and vegetable juices frequently may cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. In a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, a team of US and Japanese scientists followed almost 2,000 people for up to 10 years. They found the risk for Alzheimer’s was a massive 76 per cent lower among those who drank juice more than three times a week, compared with those who drank it less than once a week. They concluded that fruit and vegetable juices may play an important role in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly among those who are at high risk for the disease.
Dai Q, Borenstein AR, Wu Y, Jackson JC and Larson EB. 2006. Fruit and vegetable juices and Alzheimer’s disease: the Kame Project. American Journal of Medicine. 119 (9) 751-759.