The more the better?
The results of a 19-year-long study of 61,433 women showed that consuming more than the recommended daily amount of calcium did not offer any protection from osteoporosis and hip fractures. Women who consumed at least 750mg calcium per day (recommended daily dose is 1,000mg) were not at a higher risk of osteoporosis or fractures than women consuming more. The rate of hip fracture was even increased in those with high dietary calcium intakes. The best plant sources of calcium include: nuts and seeds (especially sesame seeds), green leafy vegetables, beans, figs, apricots, molasses.
Warensjӧ, E., Byberg, L., Melhus, H., et al., 2011. Dietary calcium intake and risk of fracture and osteoporosis: prospective longitudinal cohort study. Bristish Medical Journal. 342:d1473.