Cooking demos come to Bristol’s Better Food Company

BRISTOL based health charity The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) are hosting two free inspiring cookery demonstrations at the city’s Better Food Company café, this Spring.
Boxing Clever: Cooking From Your Veg Box
On Tuesday, February 17, VVF food & cookery coordinator Jane Easton will cook up some recipes using unusual or less popular vegetables from your organic box.
Recipes will focus mainly on seasonal roots and greens: Jerusalem Artichoke Soup; Potato and Greens Soup; Smoky Beetroot Dijon; Celeriac Casserole; Celeriac & Carrot Coleslaw and other delights, time permitting!
Cheap as Chick Peas: Cooking with Pulses This is followed by a second demo on Tuesday, March 17, where Jane will be looking at tasty and thrifty ways to cook pulses, including ideas for “wind-free zones’. Recipes will include whole bean dishes as well as ways of cooking with chickpea flour: Nettle/Spinach Dahl; Socca (chickpea flour flatbread); Spicy Beanburgers; Spicy Bean & Sweet Potato Casserole and Bean Pâté will be on offer.
Both cookery demos are FREE and run from 7pm-9pm. Recipe sheets and other information will be available to take home with you. The demos have been organised in conjunction with Bristol Freeconomy ( and are being held at The Better Food Company, Bristol Proving House, Sevier Street, Bristol.
Jane says: “Both evenings promise to be great fun. You’ll learn how to identify random vegetables in your box according to “category’ and how easy it is to adapt recipes to match the ingredients you already have in your cupboard. I’ll also give some tips on reducing food waste – meaning no more vegetables rotting away in the back of your fridge!”