Factory Farms – A Breeding Ground for Disease

The pandemic threat of animal agriculture

Deadly biological weapons are being developed all over the world right now – and they’re more destructive than any existing ones. But not a single government is prepared to try and stop them. There are thousands of laboratories involved and we can guarantee there’s one not far from your home. These laboratories are called factory farms and they produce over 80 per cent of all the meat we eat.




Factory farms provide the perfect breeding ground for disease. It’s the perfect setting for viruses and bacteria to mutate and spread.

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BSE and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and fatal condition that affects the brain. It causes brain damage that worsens rapidly over time. The unhealthy practice of feeding cows the remains of other dead cows and sheep was acknowledged as the probable cause of this fatal neurodegenerative disease.

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Bovine TB – Badgers are not the Problem

Bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB or bTB) is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis. Badgers have been blamed as the primary reason for bTB spreading, the idea being that infected badgers spread the disease into dairy herds.

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Antibiotic Resistance – Superbugs on the Rise

We now rely heavily on antibiotics to treat and prevent infection but what many people don’t realise is that they are also widely used in agriculture and aquaculture. The overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals has led to the emergence of multidrug-resistant “superbugs.”

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Staphylococcus Aureus and MRSA

As we are fast-approaching a post-antibiotic era, the effectiveness of antibiotics used to treat human illnesses may be reduced if pathogens and resistance genes from the agricultural environment are repeatedly, but silently, being introduced into the human population.

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Salmonella – Are Eggs Really Safe?

Poultry, pigs and cows are a significant source of this food poisoning bug but they may show no signs of infection and infected foods usually look and smell normal. Factory farms provide the ideal environment for Salmonella bacteria to spread as they are shed in the faeces of infected animals.

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Campylobacter – Top of the Food Poisoning Table

Campylobacter is the main cause of food poisoning in the UK and it is estimated that there are more than half a million cases and 80,000 GP consultations every year in the UK. Campylobacter bacteria are prevalent in farmed animals such as chickens, pigs, cattle and sheep, and have also been found in shellfish.

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Final Warning

Most of the meat people eat today comes from genetically uniform, immunocompromised, regularly drugged animals packed by the thousands into filthy sheds or stacked cages. The perfect environment for emerging diseases.

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