5 top tips for boosting your fruit and veg intake

Ever since we were children, we’ve been told that we need to eat our fruit and veg to stay healthy.
The NHS and the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that we eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day. One portion is around 80 grams worth, that’s about the size of a medium piece of fruit or veg, or a small handful of berries or peas.
But why does eating enough fruit and veg matter?
Five reasons to eat your 5-a-day.
- It helps to reduce the risk of developing serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
- They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, such as folate, vitamin C and potassium — all essential for the healthy functioning of the human body.
- They’re an excellent source of dietary fibre, which helps to maintain a healthy gut, prevent constipation and reduce your risk of bowel cancer.
- They are low in fat and calories, and don’t contain any cholesterol (provided you don’t cook them in lots of oil, or cover them in sugar!) They can, therefore, help you to maintain a healthy weight and keep your heart healthy.
- They are high in antioxidants which fight free radicals and help to repair cells and protect your immune system.

Which fruit and veggies count?
The good news is, all fruit and veggies count, whether they’re frozen, juiced, canned or dried. Just avoid adding too much oil or sugar to them, so as not to outweigh the health benefits.
The exception is potatoes as they’re high in starch (although sweet potatoes do count!).
How can you get enough?
If you’re struggling to hit your 5-a-day target, these handy tips below should help you to sneak fruit and veggies into your meals throughout the day.
Five tips for getting your 5-a-day
1. Add fruity toppings to breakfast
Why not add a handful of berries, such as blueberries, strawberries or raspberries to your cereal or porridge? Berries are packed full of antioxidants, vitamin C and magnesium.
Sliced banana or stewed apple are both great additions too!
2. Add a side salad to your lunch
Whether you have a veggie burger, jacket potato or a sandwich for lunch, try adding a side salad to add on some veggies.
Your side salad could include sliced pepper, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, or any veggies you fancy! If you’re having lunch on the go, pop some salad in your sandwiches, such as sliced tomato, peppers, spinach or watercress.
3. Have a healthy snack
Feeling peckish throughout the day? Reach for a banana, an apple, a carrot, or maybe some dried fruit, rather than a packet of crisps or cereal bar.

4. Blend it
A great tip for adults, and children alike, is to blend your fruit and veggies.
Fruit such as bananas, apples, oranges, berries, all go great in smoothies — you can even add some veggies such as kale, beetroot and spinach to make it extra healthy.
Veggies such as tomatoes, peppers, and squash can be blended to make delicious and nutritious pasta sauces. Whilst root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes, can be whizzed together to make hearty soups.
5. Think rainbow
Did you know that the chemicals that give fruits and veg their beautiful colours are also what protect your health?
Adding as much colour as possible to every meal will help you get the variety of vitamins and nutrients that your food has to offer.
With fruit and veg, the brighter it is, the better, so think berries such as strawberries and raspberries, and veg such as squashes, carrots, beetroots, and broccoli.
Following these simple tips you’ll be hitting more than your 5-a-day in no time!