Viva!’s new guides for raising healthy vegan children

May 2022: The UK’s leading vegan charity Viva! has launched two new guides to support parents wanting to lead a vegan lifestyle and raise vegan children: The Vegan New Parents’ Guide and the Healthy Vegan Kids Guide. These guides contain useful information to ensure both pregnant mums and their children get the correct nutrients needed to thrive.
Veganism is on the rise with millions of people choosing the lifestyle all over the world. For those who are parents or considering starting a family, there will no doubt be questions on how to meet the nutritional requirements of babies, children and young people. These guides provide factual information to educate parents on how to raise healthy children the vegan way.
The launch comprises two guides, including The Vegan New Parents’ Guide which focuses on pregnancy, breastfeeding, babies and toddlers; and the Healthy Vegan Kids Guide, providing information about a healthy vegan diet for children. Both of these guides have been written by Viva! Founder and Director Juliet Gellatley, a qualified nutritional therapist, supported by Helen Wilson (Vegan New Parents’ Guide) and Veronika Charvátová (Healthy Vegan Kids).
Vegan New Parents’ Guide
Perfect for pregnancy, breastfeeding and early years, this guide explains everything you need to know from the best foods to eat pre-pregnancy, to recipes for toddlers. It can support you from the day you start trying for a baby, right through to the weaning stage. As well as nutritional information, there’s also charts to refer to, meal plans and testimonials from vegan mothers who have happy, healthy babies.
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Healthy Vegan Kids Guide
Once children have gone past the weaning stage and are ready to eat solid foods, this guide can provide further information on how to raise healthy vegan children. It includes information on vitamins and nutrients (including protein, calcium and iron), recipe ideas, and useful charts. It also outlines how detrimental a non-vegan diet can be for children’s overall health and wellbeing.
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Speaking about the launch of the guides, Juliet Gellatley commented: “As a mother myself, I understand that all parents want the best for their children. This includes raising them to be healthy, so they can enjoy life and reach their full potential. A vegan diet is an excellent way to provide little ones with all the nutrients they need, but unfortunately, there are misconceptions that a vegan diet is not suitable for kids. This is not the case. I wrote these guides to provide parents with easy-to-follow, factual advice on raising vegan children, so they feel supported every step of the way. If you want your kids to be as healthy as possible, I hope these guides reassure you that going vegan is a massively positive choice.”
Veganism is the best way to provide children with a healthy start in life, while also saving the lives of animals and helping the planet. But a vegan diet isn’t just for children. Anyone can benefit from a vegan lifestyle, no matter their age. Go vegan today!