Food poisoning

The reason why pregnant women shouldn’t eat soft, mould-ripened cheese such as camembert, brie or blue cheese, drink unpasteurized milk or eat cheese made from it is the bacterium Listeria. It can be present in these products and cause severe food poisoning illness (listeriosis) in vulnerable people – mainly pregnant women, babies, the elderly and people with reduced immunity (NHS, 2020).

Avoiding dairy and other animal products can greatly cut your risk of food poisoning!



NHS. 2020. Listeriosis. Available from: [Accessed on 7 January 2022]

How to change your diet

Going dairy-free is not just a healthy choice, it’s also an ethical and sustainable one. If you’re used to meals based around meat and dairy, the idea of a plant-based diet may be daunting but we’re here to help make it super easy!

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All about dairy

Find all the above and more in Viva!’s ground-breaking resources:

An eye-opening guide Why You Don’t Need Dairy– presenting information on health, animals and the environment in an easy-to-read format.

A practical guide on how to cut dairy out of your diet and all you need to know to live a healthy and delicious dairy-free life: Everyone’s Going Dairy-Free

If you want to know more about dairy and your health and explore what scientific studies have to say, see the in-depth report White Lies


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