
How you live and what you eat can affect your risk of dementia. People who are overweight or obese in middle age and/or have higher cholesterol levels have a much higher risk of suffering from dementia later in life. The saturated fat found in meat and dairy foods drives up cholesterol levels, which is why vegans tend to have much healthier, lower levels. Given the ever-increasing levels of obesity, this raises very real concerns about the number of people suffering from dementia in the future. A vegan diet and healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of dementia.
You may be able to prevent or delay dementia by eating a healthy, balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight, which is much easier on a vegan diet. Avoid animal-based foods, eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day, pulses (peas, beans and lentils), wholegrain foods such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta, nuts and seeds and take a vitamin B12 supplement.
Find out more about diet and cognitive health here and what you need to eat each day here.
See Alzheimer’s disease.