Get Involved With Our Eating the Earth Campaign

Eating meat, dairy, fish, and eggs is the leading cause of wildlife and biodiversity loss. We have eaten our way into the Earth’s sixth mass extinction – the first that is a direct result of human greed!
It was an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs – but it’s our fondness for beef burgers, milkshakes, chicken and cheese that has now killed off countless species, and many more are teetering on the edge of extinction.
There is still a narrow window of time to make a difference, as long as we take action now!
Our Eating the Earth campaign exposes the devastating impact that meat and dairy production has on wildlife worldwide, and the implications it has for humanity’s future survival.
Get involved and play a crucial role in spreading this important message.
Host a stall in your local area to help empower people to make the switch to vegan alternatives or door-drop our campaign leaflet – helping save the planet and its wildlife while putting an end to animal suffering.
Door-drop Our Leaflets
Help us spread awareness of the devastating impact producing meat, dairy, fish and eggs is having on the world’s wildlife. You can help by door-dropping our Eating the Earth leaflet. Fill out our form below or call 0117 944 1000 to order some today!
Host Your Own Stall
Our stall pack contains all the materials you need to run a successful event, including posters, leaflets and where to find delicious vegan recipes.
Email, call 0117 944 1000, or fill out the request form below.
Let us know how many volunteers will be joining your event so we can send you the right amount of leaflets and posters.