Richa Hingle

Richa Hingle is a distinguished recipe developer, blogger, and photographer renowned for her website VeganRicha.com1Vegan Richa. Homepage. Available: [Accessed 19 October 2023]..
Her recipes are known for their simplicity, and her step-by-step photographs warmly invite even those unfamiliar with the kitchen. With millions of readers attesting to her approach, Richa takes great pleasure in demonstrating how straightforward it is to prepare vegan Indian food and other cuisines.
Seattle-based Richa’s work has been featured on a multitude of platforms, including, Huffington Post, Glamour, Babble,, (listed among the top 50 Indian food blogs), TheKitchn, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and many others2Vegan Richa. About. Available: [Accessed 19 October 2023]..
Her debut book, Vegan Richa’s Indian Kitchen, offers accessible Indian vegan recipes and has achieved remarkable success as a #1 Best Seller on Amazon. It also earned recognition as one of the Top Cookbooks of 2015 by Vegetarian Times and was included in Peta’s list of Must-Have 7 Cookbooks.
Her second and third cookbooks, Vegan Richa’s Everyday Kitchen and Vegan Richa’s instant pot cookbook are also internationally available online 3Amazon. Author Profile: Richa Hingle. Available: [Accessed 19 October 2023].
“[On top tips for new vegans] Make a list of 5-10 simple go-to recipes and always have the ingredients. Stack your pantry. Be gentle on yourself, take your time to find out substitutes and options that you like. Join vegan forums or groups, take a 30/7 day vegan challenge. Vegan challenge groups usually have lots of ideas, well-made menu plans, answers and support. Connect with vegan food bloggers like us! Do not be discouraged by people, slips and judgement.”4Pickles & Honey. 10 Questions: An Interview with Richa Hingle of Vegan Richa.[Accessed 19 October 2023].