Living vegan

If you’re vegan or thinking of making the change, we have everything you need to know about how to live vegan in every aspect of your life.

Art For Animals

Our Art for Animals scheme celebrates creativity and saves animals too! Browse our gallery and be inspired. The following artists help Viva! save animals through their work.

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Cosmetics and toiletries

Veganism extends further than just diet. Take a look at our comprehensive guide to cosmetics and toiletries, including our top picks of vegan-friendly products.

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Famous Vegans

From actors and comedians, to chefs and sportspeople, there are more and more celebrities going vegan all the time.

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Finding community

Choosing to go vegan will have some amazing benefits to you, the planet and the animals. Find out how to communicate this change with your friends and family.

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Humane Animal Control

Everything you need to know about humane animal control for animals and critters who have become unwelcome guests in your home or garden.

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Travelling vegan

Travelling vegan has never been easier as many countries across the world are getting on the bandwagon and providing lots more options. Here are our top picks!

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