Christian Serratos

Star of the hugely popular Twilight Saga and American post-apocalyptic horror drama television series The Walking Dead, Christian Serratos has been vegetarian since the age of 10 and is now reportedly vegan.2Nash, M. 2020. 7 Things to Know About Christian Serratos, the Star of Netflix’s Selena Series. Popsugar. Available: [Accessed 3 March 2021]. Serratos currently stars in Netflix’s Selena.
Serratos is a dedicated animal rights supporter, campaigning on many issues, including factory farming and fur.
“It made me feel better, brighter and lighter, and I had more energy… it was a big deal to me, being an animal lover.”4ambe, S. 2012. “Twilight” Star Does Graveyard Chic In Sexy PETA Ad. Buzzfeed. Available: [Accessed 3 March 2021].
“Your body shouldn’t be a graveyard. Factory farms are hell for animals, and their death is slow and painful. Help animals by not eating them.” 2012. Christian Serratos stars in creepy new PETA shoot. Available: [Accessed 3 March 2021].