Viva! Victory: Doncaster Pig Farm Plans Rejected

| 8 November 2019
1 minute reading time
Viva! Victory: Doncaster Pig Farm Plans Rejected

Doncaster council has rejected planning requests for a pig farm that would hold 1,000 pigs after Viva! helped local residents campaign against the plans. Residents were worried about the increase of HGV traffic on their narrow countryside streets and they were advised against environmental risks.

As a result, thousands of pigs have been spared the cruel fate of intensive farming which has been routinely been found to be cruelly neglectful of the complex needs of pigs.
Viva! has investigated countless pig farms and we’ve often found pigs left to suffer in barren, dirty sheds causing extreme trauma and even driving them to cannibalism in the most extreme cases.

Juliet Gellatley, from vegan charity Viva!, said: “We are thrilled that Doncaster Council has upheld the objections to building an intensive pig farm. We submitted a formal objection on behalf of local supporters, who had expressed their concerns about animal welfare and biosecurity on these farms.”

Claire Bignell, an environmental health officer at Doncaster Council said tests around ammonia concentrations and nitrogen deposition rates in the area ‘exceed the upper threshold levels’ recommended by the Environment Agency.

She said: “On the basis of the information submitted I do not consider the proposed location for such use is suitable and therefore would object to this application on the grounds of noise adversely impacting the use/occupancy of the neighbouring sensitive receptor.”

This could have caused major environmental problems in the local area, as well as increased traffic and possible air pollution from the intensive farm.

About the author
Louisa Kendal
Louisa is the Digital Communications Officer at Viva! Louisa has been vegan for four years and is passionate about eradicating injustices and exploitation in our world. After graduating from the University of Bristol with a degree in Theology, she worked as a journalist in Malaysia before joining Viva!'s marketing team. She now leverages social media and the online world to forward the vegan movement and keep Viva! growing in influence. Click here for more info.

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