Louisa Kendal – Social Media Co-Ordinator

Louisa started working at Viva! in March 2019 and her role is to oversee the digital communications, including social media marketing to make sure our work reaches as many people as possible. She works with the campaigns, merchandise and events teams to promote the amazing work Viva! does across all social media platforms, and help Viva! to continue growing in influence.
Louisa went vegan in September 2015 after a 9 month landslide from avid meat eater to animal advocate, after her vegan friends told her about the environmental impact of animal agriculture across the world. She then began investigating veganism watching documentaries such as Cowspiracy and Forks over Knives. She soon realised she could no longer consume any animal products…and she still fee0sl just as passionately all these years later!