Dr Michael Klaper

Dr Michael Klaper is an American medical doctor who “resolutely believes that proper nutrition — through a whole food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health and, in many cases, can make the difference between healing an illness or merely treating its symptoms.”2doctorklaper.com. 2021. About Dr. Klaper. Available: https://www.doctorklaper.com/about [Accessed 6 January 2022].
He is the author of Vegan Nutrition; Pure & Simple, has produced numerous health videos, webinars and dozens of articles for both scientific journals and the popular press. As a source of inspiration advocating plant-based diets and the end of animal cruelty worldwide, Dr. Klaper contributed to the making of two PBS television programs, Food for Thought and the award-winning movie, Diet for a New America (based on the influential book by John Robbins).
Between 1992 and 2015 Dr Klaper was the Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research, where he conducted a study of people following a completely plant-based or vegan diet. From 2009 to 2018, served on staff at the TrueNorth Health Center, a medical clinic that specializes in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole food, plant-based diet. Dr Klaper currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Plantrician Project and the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention.
“There is absolutely no nutrient, no protein, no vitamin, no mineral that can’t be obtained from plant-based foods.”4The Real Truth about Health. 2019. Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple by Michael Klaper, M.D. [Youtube video] Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxs7V0I2q1Q [Accessed 6 January 2022].