Fearne Cotton
Fearne Cotton is a British television and radio presenter, and author. Whether or not Fearne is a strict vegan is up for debate, but she is certainly onboard with a plant-based diet. In 2019 she wrote a vegan cookbook called Happy Vegan: Easy Plant-based Recipes to Make the Whole Family Happy.
In 2020, Fearne appeared on The ChickPeeps podcast where she announced she was now fully vegan and had finally managed to eschew eggs from her diet after previously being a big fan of omelettes.2The ChickPeeps. 2020. S3, Ep 4: Fearne Cotton. Available: https://www.thechickpeeps.com/episodes/2020/11/18/s3-ep4-fearne-cotton [Accessed 12 August 2021].
“I incrementally became vegan… The last thing to go – because I was never a big dairy fan anyway – was eggs. I loved an omelet and I was like ‘I need to get over myself here and just stop eating eggs’. Because it’s really not a big deal to not eat an omelet in the morning. It was about a year and a half ago that I just went ‘that’s it, no more eggs. Goodbye eggs.’ And it’s been amazing. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought at all.”
“It’s been absolutely wonderful and I’ve so enjoyed it…If you want to give going vegan a try, give it a go…”4Choriando, M. 2019. Celebrity Fearne Cotton Reveals She’s Been Vegan For A Month. Plant Based News. Available: https://plantbasednews.org/news/celebrity-fearne-cotton-been-vegan-for-month/? [Accessed 12 August 2021].