Toby Morse – H2O

It’s so refreshing when you come across a celebrity whose vegan credentials are an absolute certainty! Toby Morse is one of them.
Toby Morse is the singer of New York hardcore punk band H2O.
Toby is an advocate for the straight edge (no alcohol or drugs), vegan lifestyle. In 2009 he founded a charity called One Life One Chance to encourage school-age children to make healthy, positive lifestyle choices.
Toby has been vegan since 19872Purebreak Musique Mag. 2016. H2O En Interview: East Side Burgers, Vegan et New York Hardcore. Available: [Accessed 25 March 2021]. and many of H2O’s songs contain references to veganism, although the other members are vegetarian. Toby has animal rights tattoos adorning his body including images of a pig and a cow on his palms.
“… for me it [veganism] was the only logical thing to do – Living in compassion with the world.”4Martiniano, F. 2016. Interview: Toby Morse from H2O. Available: [Accessed 25 March 2021].