Gary Earl Grice better known as GZA, a founding member of the hip hop group the Wu-Tang Clan.
He has been vegetarian since 1996-97 and cut out dairy a few years later. He is now an advocate of raw food veganism.
“As far as being a vegetarian it’s a moral thing, a health thing, a conscious thing — a combination of all. I think it’s better to be that way.”2Amason, J. 2010. GZA: Lyrical Genius and the Wu-Tang Clan’s Raw Food Guru. Eater. Available: https://www.eater.com/2010/7/23/6725469/gza-lyrical-genius-and-the-wu-tang-clans-raw-food-guru [Accessed 17 March 2021].
“Chitterlings. Those are pig intestines. The waste and everything is filtered, it goes through the intestines. You know, people are consuming this. Intestines, pig feet. All this stuff that has so much sodium, salt in it. And we’re known to have high blood pressure because we eat a lot of these foods.”4Smith, K. Wu-Tang Clan’s GZA Says Soul Food Is ‘the Slave Man’s Diet’. LiveKindly. Available: https://www.livekindly.co/wu-tang-clans-gza-soul-food-slave-mans-diet/ [Accessed 17 March 2021].