Eva Hall – Power Alone

Eva Hall

Eva Hall is an American punk singer who was in the influential straight edge hardcore band Gather, and Rats in the Wall. Since 2019, she has been the vocalist of hardcore band Power Alone.

Between 2004 and 2007, Gather released two albums before they splt, and then in 2014, Rats in the Wall released Dead End. In 2019, Hall formed Power Alone and released two albums: Rather be Alone in 2020 and 2023’s Nothingness.

Eva went vegan in her early teens after listening to the Rudimentary Peni song ‘Pig in a Blanket’. She told DIY Conspiracy:

“My decision to become vegetarian, and then vegan, was separate, but happened to be about the same time since those were impressionable years for me when I was discovering all kinds of bands for the first time. One day I was listening to the Rudimentary Peni song ‘Pig in a Blanket’ for the 100th time or so, and it finally sunk in, and decided right then and there to stop eating meat (I was 14 years old.) I didn’t even know about veganism yet, but I made the switch shortly after I learned more.

My choice to stay vegan is because I feel too much of a connection with animals to bring myself to consume them. I don’t want to consume parts and products of a violent, needless death. My veganism is an act of solidarity with them, since they are so exploited in our anthropocentric world, that it’s just a slap in their face to participate in their killing and consumption in this society.”

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