Joey Carbstrong

Joey Armstrong, better known as Joey Carbstrong, is an animal rights activist from Australia.
Joey is a former gang member who went vegan in 2013 in an attempt to turn his life around and do some good in the world.4Carbstrong, J. 2020. Animal Rights Activism. Available: [Accessed 28 October 2021].
In 2018, Carbstrong made a name for himself in the UK after an infamous appearance on This Morning, where he debated two farmers and compared artifical insemination to sexual abuse. Then, on The Jeremy Vine Show he drew attention to the cruelty involved in Vine’s ham and cheese sandwich.5Nelson, S. 2018. Jeremy Vine Blasted By Vegan Activist Over His Ham And Cheese Sandwich. Huffington Post. Available: [Accessed 28 October 2021].
Much of Carbstrong’s activism has revolved around street outreach, working alongside Anonymous for the Voiceless.
In 2021 he went undercover on a chicken farm to reveal the shocking conditions in which “breeder” chickens are kept.6Carbstrong, J. 2021. The One Video the Chicken Industry Really Don’t Want You to See. [online video] Available: [Accessed 28 October 2021].
“How is it that so many, often good hearted people are so disconnected from the violence they are supporting through their lifestyles? If you are not vegan, you are paying for the egregious cruelties and slaughter that innocent animals are subjected to for food, clothing, testing and entertainment.”1Carbstrong, J. 2020. Animal Rights Activism. Available: [Accessed 28 October 2021].