Egg-laying hens and the environment

The truth is, it’s best to steer clear of eggs – they’re not essential for your health and can significantly harm it. Chicken farms are also a disaster for the environment. It’s because we grow huge amounts of crops to feed billions of egg laying hens, the farms use a lot of energy and produce greenhouse gas emissions and mountains of waste.
For more information, go to Viva! Planet.
Ditching eggs is not just a healthy choice, it’s also an ethical and sustainable one. If you’re used to meals based around eggs, meat and dairy, the idea of a plant-based diet may be daunting but we’re here to help make it super easy!
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All about eggs
Find all the above and more in Viva!’s resources on eggs and egg farming:
An eye-opening guide about the health impacts of egg consumption, egg-laying hens and Viva! investigations – Cracked.
A factsheet summarising all you need to know about eggs and your health.
A handy chart showing you how to replace eggs in cooking and baking.