Healthy vegan diet

Why veganism is healthy
A healthy vegan diet is packed with foods providing a wide range of nutrients that give you energy, are easy on your digestive system, boost your immune system, help clear-up your skin and improve your mood.

What I need each day for good health
Have you ever wondered what you need to eat each day? How much protein and carbohydrate should you get? What types of fat do you need and where can you get them?

Vegan For Health Guide
This easy-to-read guide summarises the huge health benefits of a vegan diet; reducing your risk of disease and providing everything you need to thrive.

Vegan through the life stages
Being vegan is healthy for people of all ages, from new born babies through to the elderly.

Soya facts
There is a huge amount of misinformation about soya which is why Viva! Health has launched this website dedicated to facts backed by research.

Men’s Health
Just as a vegan diet is the healthiest diet for infants, children, women and older people, it is also the healthiest diet for men. There is no magic ingredient in meat or dairy that benefits men’s health.

Expert endorsements and testimonials
In recent years, the popularity of veganism has risen sharply and many more people are now becoming vegan or buying vegan products than ever before.