Plastic-free July at Viva!

Browse our best plastic-free buys…
Plastic-free July is a campaign set up to get people thinking about their plastic consumption, and encourages people to go as plastic-free as possible! Here at the Viva! Shop we are thinking about ways to cut down on our plastic use. It’s no mean feat and not all of our shop items are plastic-free, but we’re working on it! Here are our plastic free favourites…
Food glorious food
We have plenty of food in glass jars, such as Applewood Vegan Honey, which is a new product on our shop and perfectly plastic free! We also have yummy chocolate and biscuit choices in home compostable bio-film packaging, such as Rhythm 108 biscuits, Vivani Chocolate bars, iChoc bars, Prodigy bars, Ombar buttons, Vego White Almond Bliss, and all Goupie flavours. Our Cornwall’s Chocolate Cove raw chocolates are also plastic free as they are wrapped in foil and protected with cardboard.
Save the bees!
If you’re a bee lover like us, you’ll love this plastic free Bee Revival Kit from Beevive! Clip to your keys, and always be ready to help a tired bee with this sleek capsule of sugar water. It has a strong aluminium outer shell, and a shock resistant borosilicate glass bottle inside, sealed with a natural cork top. When you’ve used all of the solution, you can fill it back up with 50/50 white sugar and water, mix well and it’s ready to go! Of course, if you do find a struggling bee, first carry them to any wildflowers nearby, but if there aren’t any then the bees will only need a couple of drops for an energy boost to find their next flowers. Let’s create a bee saving army!
We’re rooting for…
Seedboms are the best solution for helping bees and other pollinators, by providing the flowers to drink nectar from! They’re really easy to get going and perfect to get the kids interested in nature. The materials used are all fully biodegradable and most seedboms contain a mix of wildflowers to bring a diversity of species and a bloom of colour to green spaces! We have a buzzing bom for bees, a rich nectar of wild flora for butterflies, and a limited edition Tigerbom to create some colour in the garden.
Paw-fect dog toys
You may have seen in a recent Viva! Blog that our pup toys are all plastic free! Made from natural rubber from rice husks, this durable material will keep your pups entertained for hours – whether it’s chasing the flyer, chomping the bone, or getting the last of the peanut butter out of the treat ball! Similar plastic toys would have nasty toxins and chemicals which no one wants in their pups mouth!
Not only these, but most of our clothing, jewellery, books, materials, and alcohol are all plastic free too! There’s plenty to keep your lifestyle as zero waste as possible while you’re shopping compassionately!