YogHURTS tour

In the summer of 2023, we went on tour with our biggest anti-dairy campaign yet: Müller Killer. We visited a number of cities around the UK, educating the public about the reality of the dairy industry and the victims of these big businesses.
Between July 2021 and September 2022, investigators for Viva! Campaigns documented conditions at three of the largest zero grazing dairy farms in the UK, as well as one calf-rearing facility, supplying major players in the dairy industry – Müller and Arla.
Read more about what the investigators found here: Zero Grazing.
A winning combination of free food, eye-catching designs and friendly conversation accompanied the ugly truths about dairy. We revealed just how simple it is to end the cruelty while handing out free vegan yoghurts to show the public just how delicious dairy-free alternatives are.
Public opinion is already hugely against zero grazing, so we had a big impact.
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the YogHURTS tour and helped us speak to the public!
Watch our roundup video below!

Our YogHURTS tour
12 June – Bristol
17 June – Nottingham
18 June – Birmingham
30 June – Oxford
6 July – Cardiff
14 July – Leeds
15 July – Manchester
21 July – London
Find out more about Muller Killer
Find out more about our Zero Grazing investigation
Help us reveal the reality of dairy to the masses!
Order your leaflets today!