Are you an animal lover?

Have you ever asked yourself why it’s socially acceptable to love some animals but eat others? Animals killed for food share many characteristics with our pets. They play, feel joy and pain, and want to avoid harm. Pigs love belly rubs. Chickens have a language; chicks and mothers even talk before hatching. Cows have best friends.
But while we cherish and mourn our pets when they die, a billion UK farmed animals are needlessly killed each year. Most spend their lives in filthy, overcrowded sheds sleeping in their own feces. Before they are brutally slaughtered. Almost all pigs, for example, are gassed to death, screaming and fighting as acid burns through their eyes, nostrils, mouths, and lungs – it’s like being burned from the inside out.
There is good news, though: if you believe all beings should be treated kindly, regardless of their species, there are easy steps you can take right now. Eating vegan is the most powerful way you can help end this unnecessary suffering.
Why not start by signing up to our V7 challenge and try going vegan for just one week, or downloading the free Vegan Recipe Club App, packed with delicious easy meal options?
Simple Swaps
Our aim is to help you enjoy vegan food! We know that eating more vegan meals, or taking the plunge and deciding to go fully vegan, can seem a little daunting when starting out.
We’ve found that one simple approach to make your journey easier is to think of all the things you currently eat and simply swap them for the vegan versions! There has never been an easier time to try vegan with a huge range of products now available in all major supermarkets.

Are You An Animal Lover? Tour
Viva! is touring the country and serving up thousands of free vegan hotdogs – with all the trappings – showing off how delicious vegan food can be and enticing people to chat to us about how they love companion animals but still eat others.
Not Convinced?
Some Common Myths