Sarah Curtis

Hiya! I’m Sarah. I’m currently a Masters student studying conservation and I did an undergrad degree in Zoology. I’ve always loved animals, ever since I was a child when I wanted to be a veterinarian before I realised I couldn’t cope with the sadder side of the job. I decided eventually that I wanted to save animals from humans, and that’s why I want to go into conservation – my goal is to raise awareness and knowledge of small cat species because I think they’re wonderful! When I’m not studying, I love to read, draw, exercise and ice skate. My art journey is probably a little unlike most – the furthest I got studying art was AS Level where I got a B, sulked, and didn’t take it back up. I drew a lot as a child and my Dad is a wonderful wildlife artist, but I never actually drew wildlife. In fact, before now, I barely ever drew animals! On pen and paper I find that I never could quite get the results I wanted, but digital drawing is something I’ve completely taken to. I’ve only been drawing since January 2018 after getting a drawing tablet as a Christmas present, and immediately started drawing animals (after I originally said I wanted it for drawing Pokémon, which I’m a massive fan of – oops!). I now really enjoy digitally painting animals, especially the often overlooked British wildlife and ‘farm’ animals who deserve to be painted for the beautiful creatures they are.
Why I am vegan
I was vegetarian for almost 8 years before going vegan at the start of 2018. For the last couple of years of my vegetarianism, I felt incredibly torn about eating animal products, but I just believed that ‘maybe’ the industry wasn’t that bad. However, doing a conservation course, I realised how hypocritical it was of me to keep eating these products and not just helping contribute to suffering, but also destroying the environment. Eventually, the guilt became too much and I made the decision to become vegan. Now I’m here, I never want to go back – I now can eat food knowing that I didn’t cause a beautiful animal to suffer, and that I’m not contributing to environmental issues. I can live guilt-free and I feel amazing both mind and body – and I now want to actively fight for animal rights in every way I can! I almost feel like I have more of a purpose now – no wonder people say vegans talk about being vegan all the time, because I sure want to shout it from the rooftops!
Why I support Viva’s Art for Animals project
When I first decided that art was something I wanted to pursue, one of my main goals was to use this to donate towards animal charities that really want to make a difference. The only way in which change will happen is through collectively banding together, and I wanted to contribute towards this change in any way that I can. If even one person sees my artwork and the message from it resonates with them and makes them consider making the change to veganism, or if a vegan buys my art with the knowledge of a donation to Viva!, then I know my work is done.
How to raise money for Viva!
What to do if you buy Sarah Curtis’s art
To support the vibrant artistry of Sarah Curtis and contribute to Viva!, please follow these steps after your purchase:
- Firstly, communicate to Sarah Curtis that your discovery of their work was through the Viva! website.
- Next, complete the form provided below. It’s a simple process that facilitates the contribution.
- Upon completion, Viva! will graciously receive a 25% donation of the sale price from Sarah Curtis. Your patronage not only enriches your personal collection but also aids Viva! in its mission.
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This post has been categorised in: Art, Art for animals, Lifestyle, Living Vegan