January 2017 Viva! Podcast
Episode: 3

- Viva! founder Juliet Gellatley talks in depth from a qualified nutritional perspective about Why You Don’t Need Dairy. She invites you to take a deep breath, sit back and relax. What she has to share may shake a few entrenched beliefs but it’ll be worth it. (More…)
- Go behind the scenes in our regular ‘Meet The Team’ feature with film-maker and author Tony Wardle. Tony is an associate director of Viva! And also the editor of the Viva! Life magazine, which is why we call him our ‘wordsmith’. More…
- Claire Palmer talks about the Viva! ‘Cracked’ campaign and thanks many of the volunteers across the UK who’ve helped spread awareness of the terrible treatment of laying hens. Cracked shares what Viva! Discovered after going undercover to reveal once again the horrors of factory farming, this time for an animal largely forgotten by society. Claire is working on a major Viva! report into British egg farming and she talks to us about some of her findings. More…
- Dr Michael Greger, Honorary Scientific Adviser to Viva!, talks about the beneficial qualities of cinammon. His incredible global reputation is built on his founding membership of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, as well as being a physician, author, and international speaker on nutrition, food safety and public health. Currently, Michael is Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at The Humane Society of the United States. More…
- Hear it from the audience’s perspective as ‘Vegan Geezer’ demonstrates why his poetry readings pack in the punters. The sound quality isn’t marvellous so we’d recommend turning up the sound even more if you need to. And he has his own video channel here.
- Our “Viva! Health” section features our health campaigner Veronika Powell. This time around, she has a lot of amazingly useful information on the benefits of chia seeds. You can read Veronika’s blog here
- And we start the new year with the gift appeal of our first Viva! Shop product reviews. You can browse the online shop any time.