Number of animals killed

Page updated: 19 August, 2024

How many animals are killed

The number of animals killed in the UK per year for meat, fish or shellfish

1.2 billion land animals are killed for meat in the UK.

Over one billion fish and 4.4 billion shellfish.

Land animals

Aquatic animals

*Until January 2022, retired racehorses were sent to slaughter for human consumption. This is no longer permitted so the number of horses killed for human consumption has fallen compared to previous years.

  1. Defra. 2024. Agriculture in the UK, 2023.
  2. UK Food Standards Agency. Freedom of information request FOI 00395, 6 August 2024.
  3. Estimated numbers of individuals in average annual fish capture (FAO) by country fishing fleets (2007 to 2016):
  4. Estimated numbers of individuals in aquaculture production (FAO) of fish species (2017)
  5. Calculation based on tonnage by species as reported by MMO and Cefas and shellfish market sizes provided by FAO:

The number of animals killed in the world each year for meat, fish or shellfish

83 billion land animals are killed for meat and many trillions of fish and shellfish.

Land animals

Aquatic animals

  • Wild Fish – 1.1 to 2.2 trillion (excludes illegal fishing, discards and ghost fishing)2Mood A and Brooke P. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare. 33, e6.
  • Wild Shellfish – Many trillions
  • Farmed Fish – 124 billion2Mood A and Brooke P. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare. 33, e6.
  • Farmed crustaceans – 253 to 605 billion3Numbers of farmed decapod crustaceans.


    1. FAOSTAT, food and agriculture data (2021)
    2. Mood A and Brooke P. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare. 33, e6.
    3. Numbers of farmed decapod crustaceans.

* Fish and shellfish counts do not include ~23 billion animals killed as bycatch (sea creatures unintentionally caught and released, often dead or fatally injured) nor ~68 billion feed fish (small fish fed to other fish farmed for human consumption).

Slaughter: how animals are killed

Every year in the UK around 1.2 billion land animals are slaughtered for human consumption. This includes over 1 billion chickens, 15 million turkeys, 14 million sheep, 2.8 million cattle, over 10 million pigs and almost 15 million sheep and lambs. In addition, almost one billion fish are killed and trillions of shellfish.

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