Animal campaigns


Viva! Animals launches dynamic campaigns to expose factory farming. Most animals spend their short lives in misery, imprisoned in squalor and exploited for human use. Their endless suffering is kept out of sight behind closed doors and so it falls to Viva! to expose the truth. We film and photograph the conditions on factory farms to show the public how animals really live and urge them to choose vegan. We take our undercover footage and run nationwide media campaigns, hitting the headlines with our shocking images. We take to the streets to show the British public where their food really comes from.


The Big 3

Chicken, Cheese and Chocolate? Yes, You Ve-can! Our BIG THREE campaign helps Britain to overcome the most common obstacles to veganism.

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Investigation: Broilers

An undercover investigation into the UK’s three largest chicken producers reveals the miserable reality of life on dismal factory farms.

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Some people actually eat them

Did you know: every year in Britain, around one billion baby animals – including 15 million lambs – are killed behind the closed door of the slaughterhouse, simply for human consumption?

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Investigation: Rainbow Trout

Rainbow trout found severely overcrowded and suffering from stress, abrasive injury and predation in ‘high welfare’ fish farms supplying luxury food retailers.

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Investigation: Xmas Turkeys

An undercover investigation into three British intensive Red Tractor turkey farms reveals shocking scenes of suffering and abject animal cruelty, all for the sake of Christmas dinner.

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End Factory Farming – Before It Ends Us

Factory farming is an intensive form of animal agriculture which prioritises profit above everything else. This means that animals are kept in cramped, overcrowded conditions with a lack of environmental enrichment, poor hygiene standards and low animal welfare.

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Christmas: Turkeys

In the UK around 90 per cent of turkeys are factory farmed. They’re selectively bred to grow quickly and often suffer from agonising leg disorders, joint degeneration and heart disease as a result.

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