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Found 269 Results - Page 3 of 27

Protein Myth Factsheet

05/11/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Protein

It’s one of the most common questions directed at vegans: “Where do you get your protein?” Even though plants have plenty of protein, the myth that animal protein is somehow superior is extremely pervasive.

White Lies

05/11/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Dairy
  • White Lies

Cow’s milk is promoted as natural, wholesome and healthy. It is none of these things. The saturated fat, animal protein, cholesterol, hormones and growth factors it contains are linked to a wide range of illness and disease…

Egg on Your Face

05/11/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Egg

What you need to know about eggs and your health. This fact sheet explains the links between eggs and heart disease, cancer, diabetes, food poisoning and more.

Why You Don’t Need Dairy

10/09/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Cows - Dairy
  • Health

I thought a dairy cows’ life was idyllic. Now I know differently. This guide has given me the confidence to accept that my vegan diet is the healthiest possible – and the kindest.

Nature in Danger Report

02/08/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Crisis
  • Eating the Earth
  • Extinction
  • Nature in Danger
  • Planet

Nature in Danger explains why one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

The Vegan New Parents guide

14/04/2022  |   Tags: 
  • Kids

Thinking of raising your family vegan? Don’t know where to start with first foods, baby led weaning and beyond? Look no further than The Vegan New Parents’ Guide from leading vegan charity, Viva!

Page 3 of 27
Found 269 Results - Page 3 of 27