We offer a wide range of resources, most of which are free to download or available to order online. Search by category — such as printed materials or videos — or filter by animals, planet, health and lifestyle.
Plant-based Diets and Cardiovascular Disease Factsheet
- Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) such as heart disease and stroke is the UK’s number one killer. More people are living with this disease than ever before and numbers are steadily rising.
Factsheet: The Safety of Soya
- Soya
Viva! Health examines the lastest science on soya. We give you the facts on the wealth of health benefits and the supposed risks of the humble soya bean
Diabetes Factsheet
- Diabetes
As diabetes continues to spread all over the world, it is essential that an effective approach to its prevention and treatment is adopted. Current mainstream recommendations are not powerful enough and medication does not treat the condition.
Talking Thyroid Facts
- Thyroid
The thyroid helps control how quickly we use up the energy we get from food. What happens when is doesn’t work properly? How important is iodine? What other nutrients do we need for a healthy thyroid?
A-Z Of Hidden Nasties Factsheet
- Hidden nasties
An A-Z glossary of animal substances – includes definitions of vegetarian and vegan.
Ironing Out the Facts Factsheet
- Iron
One of the commonest food myths is that vegetarians and vegans have a higher risk of iron deficiency anaemia because they don’t eat meat. This is simply not the case and many major health organisations agree
Hell for Leather Factsheet
- Leather
Giving up meat turns down the heat, but the industry’s got another trick up its sleeve, down its shoe and in its handbag.
Simple Tips to Sharpen Wits Factsheet
- Vegan diets
Research from the Netherlands suggests that folic acid can help boost brain power in the over-50s. In a three-year study, those taking 800 micrograms of folic acid per day performed significantly better in a range of mental agility tests than those taking a placebo.
Boning Up On Calcium Factsheet
- Calcium
- Health
This fact sheets explains how calcium from cows’ milk can harm and why plant calcium is best.
Chewing The Fat Factsheet
- Fat
- Health
What is Fat and Why Do We Need It? Of the four main classes of food, fat is the most energy dense. It contains more than twice as many calories (kilocalories) weightfor-weight as protein…