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Fat is necessary for many body functions. It helps the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins from the diet, provides energy and insulation, protects the body’s vital organs and acts as a shock absorber. How much do we need?
Go nuts for selenium
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Nuts and Seeds
- Vitamins and Minerals
Selenium was discovered in 1817 by a Swedish chemist called Jöns Jacob Berzelius. It is similar to tellurium, which had been discovered in 1782 and named after the Latin word…
Vegan diets and omega-3s – are we getting enough?
- Diets
- Fats
- Nuts and Seeds
‘Where do you get your protein?’ ‘But what about iron?’ ‘Are you sure you get enough calcium?’ – I challenge any vegan to say that no one has asked them…
We need protein for many vital reactions and processes in the body, as a component for hormones and many other body functions. How much protein do we need?
Frozen vegetables scare
Products that are being recalled include frozen sweetcorn, peas, beans and spinach and UK supermarkets including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Lidl, Aldi, Waitrose and Iceland are all affected. The full list can be seen…
Eat your way to healthy weight
- Diets
- Obesity and Overweight
A vegan diet is naturally high in fibre, has a better fat profile and makes us generally more aware of nutrition basics. Most people don’t go vegan for health reasons…
Iodine – get informed
- Dairy
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Seafood
- Thyroid
In the human body, iodine is essential for the production of the thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine, or T3 and T4 respectively). These regulate how energy is produced and used…
Vegan men – stand up and be proud!
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Nuts and Seeds
- Pulses
- Wholegrains
I asked my colleagues at Viva! to tell me who their favourite vegan activists are, to see what the gender split would be. Most of the names were men, with…