Watch Our Premiere!

Join us for our exclusive premiere of Oracle, a short film which highlights the urgent need to act now to protect our world and ourselves. Prepare to be wowed by the visuals as this two-minute film reveals how the climate crisis threatens to destroy everything we hold dear. This isn’t a film designed to depress, however – our film leaves a lasting and empowering message of hope. There is still time to protect our world, and it lies in our hands.
The University of Oxford conducted the most comprehensive research into agriculture that has ever been conducted. In 2018, the findings made headlines across the world – choosing vegan is the ‘single biggest way’ we can minimise our impact on the world. Our film highlights three of the key ways in which animal agriculture is so damaging. For example, did you know that animal agriculture pollutes more greenhouse gases than all of the world’s transportation industry combined?
After the premiere, Campaigns Manager Laura Hellwig and Senior Campaigner Will Sorflaten will answer your questions about the film as well as the issues surrounding animal agriculture and our planet. You can also ask about Viva!’s summer campaign, Vegan Now, and why we decided to shine a spotlight on the impact of animal products on our planet.
We’d love to see you there on Tuesday 15 June at 7pm. You can join us via Facebook or sign up for a free ticket on Eventbrite.
If you can’t wait and would like to find out more about our environmental campaign Vegan Now, please go to