We offer a wide range of resources, most of which are free to download or available to order online. Search by category — such as printed materials or videos — or filter by animals, planet, health and lifestyle.
Not in My Name DVD
- Celebrities
- Factory farming
This bumper pack DVD contains 17 Viva! campaign films including 10 high profile celebrities speaking out about factory farming.
Cruel Britannia DVD
- Factory farm
- Factory farming
Our shocking short film, on DVD, will show you is exactly what happens behind the closed doors of factory farms to keep the shelves stocked with meat, eggs and dairy.
Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story DVD
- Kangaroo
- Kangaroo meat
This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. Order on DVD now.
White Meat Myths Guide
- Health
- Meat
Colourful and groundbreaking guide explaining why white meat is not the best option for your health for adults or children, including exciting recipes using meat alternatives.
Boning Up On Calcium Factsheet
- Calcium
- Health
This fact sheets explains how calcium from cows’ milk can harm and why plant calcium is best.
Chewing The Fat Factsheet
- Fat
- Health
What is Fat and Why Do We Need It? Of the four main classes of food, fat is the most energy dense. It contains more than twice as many calories (kilocalories) weightfor-weight as protein…
The Kids Are Not Alright
- Dairy
- Goats
The Welfare of Dairy Goats and Human Health Consequences of Consuming Goats’ Milk. Think that goats’ milk is the healthier and kinder alternative to cows’ milk?
Break Free
- Health
A scientific report by Veronika Powell MSc, Viva! Health Campaigner. An overwhelming amount of scientific research shows that dairy products are not beneficial for bones in the long term and calcium supplements won’t prevent osteoporosis…
The Big-D Report
- Diabetes
- Health
This accessible report will take you through the science behind the D-diet and help you make informed decisions about Diabetes.
The fish report
- Aquatic Wildlife
- Fish
This fully-referenced scientific report examines the science behind the health claims for oily fish and reveals the research the fish industry would rather ignore…