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12/11/2022 |
If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) you can still eat many plant foods and the right ones can help.
Your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood around your body through a network of arteries. Problems arise when arteries are blocked by the build-up of plaques made of cholesterol and other fatty substances in blood
12/11/2022 |
Your body uses iron to make haemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscles, both proteins carry oxygen to fuel the body. Without enough iron to make these proteins, iron-deficiency anaemia may leave you tired and short of breath.
Not all fats are bad, a small amount of ‘good’ fat is essential for health. It provides energy and helps you absorb some nutrients.
No other plant divides opinions like soya – some consider it healthy and versatile, others say it is harmful and should be avoided. What are the facts?
Easy-to-read mini factsheets, providing all the basics on vegan diets and health.
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