We offer a wide range of resources, most of which are free to download or available to order online. Search by category — such as printed materials or videos — or filter by animals, planet, health and lifestyle.
Join Viva! leaflet
- Leaflet
- Outreach
This leaflet outlines all of the reasons to join Viva!’s Fight for Life and go vegan! It offers a comprehensive overview of our campaigns and achievements from the last 25 years.
Scary Dairy
- Cows - Dairy
Viva! leaflet explaining the cruelty of the milk industry. This is an updated version of our popular Dark Side of Dairy leaflet.
Scary Dairy Stall Pack
- Cows - Dairy
- Dairy
- Dairy-free
- Outreach
The ultimate dairy-free pack for information stalls, enabling you to do effective outreach and offer practical advice to the public about why and how to change their diet.
Dairy-Free super pack
- Dairy
- Dairy-free
- Health
This colourful pack bursting with juicy information, tips and recipes. Going dairy-free has never been so easy!
One in Nine Leaflet
- Breast cancer
- Cancer
This handy leaflet summarises the main findings from our scientific report. Easy-to-read and straight to the point.
Peace to All (Turkey) Leaflets
- Christmas
- Turkeys
This leaflet asks people to choose compassionately this Christmas, ditch the turkey and other meat and celebrate with vegan food instead.
Tired of being packed in? leaflets
- Chickens
- Chickens - Eggs
- Eggs
- Hens
This leaflet displays the reality of laying hens in the UK. Laying hens are subjected to lives of misery and suffering all so that people can eat their eggs – this is no life for a chicken or any animal.
The Orphan Joeys… (Kangaroo) Leaflets
- Kangeroos
- Outreach
The leaflet comes in packs of 50 -perfect for door dropping or campaigning against sellers of kangaroo meat!
Think Before You Drink!
- Cows - Dairy
- Cows - Meat
Viva! leaflet highlighting the cruelty of the dairy industry and the unhealthy effects of drinking cow’s milk.
Honey, I’ve Eaten A Whole Menagerie!
- Aquatic Wildlife
- Chickens - Eggs
- Chickens - Meat
- Cows - Dairy
- Cows - Meat
- Ducks and Geese
- Fish
- Pigs
- Sheep and Lambs
- Turkeys