We offer a wide range of resources, most of which are free to download or available to order online. Search by category — such as printed materials or videos — or filter by animals, planet, health and lifestyle.
Everyone’s Going Dairy-Free
- Cows - Dairy
Everyone’s Going Dairy-free gives a stylish shake-up to one of Viva!’s most popular guides, the old How to Be Dairy Free.
Egg on Your Face
- Egg
What you need to know about eggs and your health. This fact sheet explains the links between eggs and heart disease, cancer, diabetes, food poisoning and more.
Why You Don’t Need Dairy
- Cows - Dairy
- Health
I thought a dairy cows’ life was idyllic. Now I know differently. This guide has given me the confidence to accept that my vegan diet is the healthiest possible – and the kindest.
The Vegan New Parents guide
- Kids
Thinking of raising your family vegan? Don’t know where to start with first foods, baby led weaning and beyond? Look no further than The Vegan New Parents’ Guide from leading vegan charity, Viva!
Everyone’s going vegan magazine
- Celebrities
- Magazine
- Recipes
Everyone’s Going Vegan is an epic FULLY UPDATED magazine that is part of our vegan campaign to change Britain’s eating habits and change the world.
Viva! Catering Guide
- Food
- Recipes
Fantastic guide for professional caterers and veggie/vegan customers who want more inclusive menus from restaurants. All the recipes are suitable for vegans, vegetarians, the lactose and egg intolerant.
Viva! Lifestyle Poster
- Food
- Recipes
- Vegan food
Our ‘Vegan Recipes for your Delight’ poster is fantastic for raising awareness and can be displayed in window fronts, at outreach events or attached to a placard for marches and street actions!
Viva! Health Poster
- Health
Our ‘Vegan for Your Health’ poster is fantastic for raising awareness and can be displayed in window fronts, at outreach events or attached to a placard for marches and street actions!
Viva! Planet Poster
- Environment
- Planet
Our Vegan for Our World poster is fantastic for raising awareness and can be displayed in window fronts, at outreach events or attached to a placard for marches and street actions!
Viva! Animals Poster
- Animals
Our ‘Vegan for The Animals’ poster is fantastic for raising awareness and can be displayed in window fronts, at outreach events or attached to a placard for marches and street actions!