Northern Vegan Festival in Manchester this weekend

Over 3,500 people attended the Northern Vegan Festival ( last year, and it now returns to 5 venues in Manchester city centre this Saturday April 23, for its first joint event with the national charity, Viva! (
This year visitors can:
Browse more than 200 stalls in Sachas Hotel and the Methodist Church across the road, including more than 10 caterers offering vegan versions of Indian, Malaysian, Turkish, Mexican, Caribbean and British foods.
Go to a free entry vegan beer, wine and cider festival at the nearby Thirsty Scholar vegetarian/vegan food pub.
Take their dogs to a free entry vegan dog food tasting event in the nearby Castle pub and collect free samples of vegan cat food from the nearby Gullivers pub.
Attend more than 15 talks and cookery demonstrations in Sachas Hotel and the Methodist Church.
Go to see vegan musicians in the evening in the Castle and Gullivers pubs.
The festival is expecting not only thousands of vegetarians and vegans to attend but also hundreds of omnivores, as interest in a meat free diet is rapidly growing throughout the UK.
“As veganism and vegetarianism are now growing rapidly in popularity, we have decided that it is time to try to significantly boost the numbers of people coming to our ever bigger events, to see if we can increase the numbers of people who are going vegan, vegetarian, or reducing their meat consumption.”
Roddy Hanson, founder and co-organiser of the Northern Vegan Festival
“This will be our biggest and best festival yet. Veganism is now so mainstream that it is extremely easy to be vegan. It is also affordable, healthy and enjoyable and our festival will promote this.”
Victoria Bryceson, co-organiser of the Northern Vegan Festival
“We are absolutely thrilled that Viva! is partnering with the Northern Vegan Festival to spread the vegan message across Britain. Together we will be a vegan tour de force! Our joint Shows will attract thousands of people from Manchester and beyond, positively helping people save animals, the planet and their health and discover a whole new world of food! NVF is fun – a celebration of vegan living. Come along and try the delicious vegan food. You never know you may just love it!”
Juliet Gellatley, founder & director, Viva!
ENDS information:
If you would like to do an interview, have any questions, or would like a press pass to take photos at the event either email or phone 0759 062 1062.