Vegan Charity Outraged at Mink Cull in Denmark

Vegan Charity Outraged at Mink Cull in Denmark
The vegan campaigning charity Viva! calls for the end of factory farming, in light of Denmark announcing the cull of their entire mink population. Across the globe, animals are kept in horrific conditions in factory farms and wildlife markets, such as the mink fur farms in Denmark. These settings provide a fertile environment for the transmission of viruses between different species and humans. Ending the exploitation of animals is one of the biggest actions humankind can take to protect itself against future pandemics.
Dr. Justine Butler, Viva! Senior Health Researcher, said:
“Mink farms provide the ideal environment for a mutating virus. The animals are kept in horrific conditions and experience extreme stress as a result of their cramped and inhumane surroundings. On these farms, the animals are tightly packed into filthy wire cages, standing on top of each other and in their own faeces, which enables viruses to quickly mutate and spread throughout the population. The cages are often housed in huge, dank sheds with poor ventilation, or the animals are left outside to face extreme weather conditions. These factors combine to make the perfect breeding ground for viruses.”
“These farms pose a direct risk to human health as the animals can appear healthy even when they’re carrying an infectious agency, such as a virus, so it is near impossible to stop the spread. The virus then passes to humans through direct contact with contaminated saliva, blood, urine, mucous, faeces or other body fluids of an infected animal. Transmission from animals to humans is so commonplace that three in four of the world’s new or emerging infectious diseases come from animals.”
“Factory farms breed pandemics – it’s simple. We are devastated by this news. These mink have lived miserable lives full of pain and suffering, which will now be brutally ended – all so that humans can wear their fur as completely useless fashion accessory. Factory farms breed pandemics. The solution is simple: go vegan and stop supporting these cruel industries altogether.”
Experts and campaigners join Viva! in calling for the end of factory farming.
Earlier this year, Viva! launched their 3 in 4 campaign which highlighted how three in four of the world’s new or emerging infectious diseases come from animals. A host of experts and campaigners – including the UK’s top barrister Michael Mansfield QC and renowned journalist and environmental campaigner George Monbiot – joined Viva! in urging the public to go vegan to prevent future pandemic crises like the coronavirus.
Viva! published an open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson which called on the UK government to take action on our food production systems and defend public health by promoting veganism as a solution and ending factory farming, before it ends us.
- Viva! is a registered charity 1037486
- Viva! is Europe’s largest vegan campaigning charity
For comments, interviews or more information please contact
- Viva! can provide expert comment on this subject.
- The 3 in 4 campaign gained national media in The Independent and the Daily Mail.
- Viva! continues to lobby Prime Minister Boris Johnson to End Factory Farming: