Media release published at September 7, 2017

‘Ditch Dairy’ – Provocative vegan adverts in public transport

Bus ad SM calf

This week, the animal charity Viva! have launched a series of eye-catching adverts in buses across London and Bristol. The message is clear – humans are not designed to consume any milk or dairy products after infancy, and certainly not the milk from another species! It’s why up to 75 per cent of the world’s population is lactose intolerant in adulthood.

The ads also reveal some of the more shocking facts about the dairy industry which most people don’t know – the shooting of baby male calves, for instance, and the fact that most milk comes from hormone-laden pregnant cows.

Viva! campaigner, Veronika Powell, says: “The aim of the adverts is to highlight that people are not meant to consume cow’s milk. We also want to educate people about the sad realities of the dairy industry. The lifecycle of a dairy cow is a continual exploitation of the female reproductive system. She is artificially inseminated at a young age, carries her baby for nine months, only for the calf to be ripped away from her hours after birth.

“Male calves are useless to the industry and they are shot shortly after birth or used for veal or cheap beef. Female calves face the same fate as their mothers – a lifetime of pregnancy and exploitation.

These practices are standard across the dairy industry, regardless of whether the dairy farm is organic or zero – grazing.

The adverts also make another important point – that some of the hormones naturally present in all cow’s milk are linked to cancer. There’s so much research on the consequences of consuming milk and dairy products on human health, you have only to scratch the surface to learn the truth, claims Viva!

The charity has produced a comprehensive and fully-referenced report White Lies which goes into great detail about the impact milk has on our health.

Viva!’s new bus adverts are meant to make people look and think about where dairy products come from and how they impact on human health. To help people change their diet, Viva! are offering a free guide and recipes.

For more information visit or call 0117 944 1000.

ENDS information:

For more information about this media release, contact Viva! PR Manager, Siobhan Dolan emailing or calling 0117 944 1000.

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