Viva!Life Issue 79 | Spring 2022

This issue Juliet talks death threats, the phenomenal rise of veganism, and banning government lobbying with Chris Packham (pages 8-9 and 41-42). And Head of Comms Faye Lewis talks to ‘Dirty Vegan’ Matt Pritchard about his transition from wild man to vegan ironman (pages 16-17)!
We reveal our latest investigation findings from UK turkey farms (pages 10-11) and celebrate double-whammy screening debuts with the release of Viva!’s first ever TV advert across Channel 4 and its associated networks (pages 12-13) AND the release of Viva! documentary Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story on Netflix this spring (pages 34-35)!
We also catch up on Viva! Poland’s latest campaigns news (page 32), Viva!’s farming coordinator, Kerri Waters, outlines the launch of Viva! Farming (page 26) and Tony Wardle examines the (in)validity of conspiracy theories (pages 24-25).