Dr Kim Williams

Dr Kim Williams is an American cardiologist and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, serving as its president from 2015 to 2016.
Dr Williams became vegan in 2003 and promotes a plant-based diet for maintaining good cardiovascular health. According to the New York Times, “his enthusiasm for plant-based diets was based on his interpretation of medical literature. He cited observational studies of tens of thousands of members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that found that people following vegetarian diets lived longer than meat eaters and had lower rates of death from heart disease, diabetes and kidney problems. And he pointed to research carried out by Dr. Dean Ornish, who found that patients who were put on a program that included a vegetarian diet had less coronary plaque and fewer cardiac events.”2O’Connor, A. 2014. Advice From a Vegan Cardiologist. New York Times. Available: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/06/advice-from-a-vegan-cardiologist/ [Accessed 25 January 2022].
He has appeared in several documentaries including Game Changers and What the Health.
“I recommend a plant-based diet because I know it’s going to lower their [patients] blood pressure, improve their insulin sensitivity and decrease their cholesterol.”1O’Connor, A. 2014. Advice From a Vegan Cardiologist. New York Times. Available: https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/06/advice-from-a-vegan-cardiologist/ [Accessed 25 January 2022].