Dr John McDougall

Dr John McDougall was a physician, speaker, and best-selling author who, like Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, promoted a low-fat wholefood plant-based diet.
Dr McDougall and his wife, Mary, created the McDougall Program and co-authored The Starch Solution, amongst many other books.
Dr McDougall’s trajectory towards becoming a plant-based advocate began when he suffered from a stroke at a very young age. None of the doctors treating him could determine the cause but McDougall stated: “Looking back at my diet, I can give credit to eggs, double cheese pizzas, and hot dogs for my brain damage, and my good fortune.”3Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center. 2022. Our Story. Available: https://www.drmcdougall.com/our-story/ [Accessed 26 January 2022].
Dr McDougall was a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, although some of Dr McDougall’s claims were considered controversial, including one that vegans don’t need to take any supplements.4Douillard, J. 2019. Heated Interview with Vegan Expert Dr. John McDougall. Available: https://lifespa.com/vegan-expert-dr-john-mcdougall/ {Accessed 26 January 2022]. (Viva! recommends that you do.)
“A major factor influencing the nation’s dietary policies is the revolving door that shuttles industry leaders into roles as legislators and government regulators, then back into industry. Members of the USDA have had known associations with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the National Pork Board, the National Livestock and Meat Board, the American Egg Board, ConAgra Foods, the National Dairy Council, and Dairy Management Inc. In other words, health care, nutrition policy, and agribusiness are all tucked cozily together in a king-size bed.”6McDougall, J. & McDougall, M. 2012. The Starch Solution:Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! Rodale Press Inc.