Dr Gemma Newman

Photo: Twitter

Dr Gemma Newman, also known as the Plant Power Doctor, is a British medical doctor with over 17 years experience. She is the Senior Partner at a family medical practice where she has worked for 12 years.

She is a member of The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and is a founding board member of Plant Based Health Professionals UK.

In 2021, she published her first book, The Plant Power Doctor, which currently has an impressive rating of 4.7/5 on Amazon.

According to her website, “Dr Newman has a specialist interest in holistic health, plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine.”2GemmaNewman.com. 2021. About Dr Gemma Newman. Available: https://gemmanewman.com/about-me [Accessed 6 January 2022]. In 2021 she launched The Wellness Edit podcast and she has spoken on many podcasts including The Rich Roll Podcast, Deliciously Ella podcast, and the Feel Better Live More podcast by Dr Rangan Chatterjee.

“I discovered that a whole foods plant based approach to eating had the benefits of not only faster recovery times for athletes, but also reduced inflammation from oxidative stress, and had the potential to improve or reverse 14 of the top 15 causes of death in the Western World. There were intervention studies showing heart disease reversal with plant based approaches. There were epidemiological studies showing plant based populations live longer. There were studies by cellular biologists showing excess proteins reduced longevity on a cellular level.”1GemmaNewman.com. 2021. About Dr Gemma Newman. Available: https://gemmanewman.com/about-me [Accessed 6 January 2022].

  1. GemmaNewman.com. 2021. About Dr Gemma Newman. Available: https://gemmanewman.com/about-me [Accessed 6 January 2022].
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