Niki Webster

Niki Webster1Instagram. Profile: Niki Webster – Rebel Recipes. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023]. is a UK-based vegan chef, recipe developer, photographer & stylist, cookbook author, and podcast host.
Her award-winning plant-based food blog, Rebel Recips2Rebel Recipes. Webpage. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023]., lauched online in 2015 and showcases fresh, wholesome ingredients combined with delicious flavours and amazing textures to create vibrant vegan dishes.
Niki has authored six cookbooks3Amazon. Author Profile: Niki Webster. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023]., which range from the best dishes from the Rebel Recipes blog, over Rainbow Bowls to cookbooks specifically catered to a young audience.
Niki also co-hosts the podcast, What the Focaccia4Rebel Recipes. Food Podcasts. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023]., with chef Bettina Camploucci Bordi of Bettina’s Kitchen5Bettina’s Kitchen. Webpage. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023].. Now in its fourth season, the duo covers an array of food-related topics, from mouthwatering recipes to how we can all be more sustainable with our food choices. The show also features prominent guests who share their personal food stories and insights.
“It’s incredible to think that when I started my blog and called it “Rebel Recipes,” it was about rebelling against people’s preconceived ideas that vegan food was dull, boring, and tasteless. That was in 2016 and so much has changed since then. The world has finally realized that there are so many benefits to following a vegan diet or simply reducing meat consumption. These range from animal welfare to health concerns, but mainly, I would say, it’s the positive impact on the environment. People want to know where their food is coming from and its impact on the planet. This has started with what we eat, something tangible that people can change, but it’s expanding to other areas rapidly, too.”6Foreword Reviews. Interview with Niki Webster. Available: [Accessed 23 October 2023].