Masta Killa

Despite the terrifying name, Wu-Tang Clan’s Masta Killa is actually a very compassionate person. He went vegetarian around 1998 when he skipped the turkey one Thanksgiving and realised he didn’t miss it. Around 15 years later he was vegan and working with animal rights organisations to promote a plant-based diet.2Peta2. 2011. Masta Killa’s Vegetarian Testimonial Video. Available: [Accessed 23 March 2021]. Masta Killa is vegan for the animals and for health reasons.
“… growing up I didn’t really like meat. It was kind of forced on me. You’re being tricked into eating it, because if you sat at the table and eat your steak or chicken, you probably don’t want it. But then you get told that you’re gonna go to McDonald’s, so then you get tricked into the fast food thing, but I never really like meat. So me going back into vegetarian/vegan is just me going back into my natural self.”4Clark, D. 2014. Wu-Tang Clan’s Masta Killa Talks Healthy Vegan Living [ULx Exclusive]. Available: [Accessed 23 March 2021].