Madelaine Petsch

Madelaine Petsch is an American actress and YouTuber, best known for playing Cheryl Blossom in Riverdale and Marissa in F the Prom.
Petsch has been vegetarian since birth due to her parents’ environmental concerns and went vegan at the age of 14.3Thompson, A. 2017. Madelaine Petsch: ‘Riverdale’ Star ChannelsPoison Ivy In Fierce PETA Ad — Watch. Available: [Accessed 8 September 2021]. She now uses her YouTube channel to share plant-based recipes and what she eats in a day.
When she was 22 she teamed up with PETA to promote veganism wearing a dress made from bok choy. Petsch is also a board member of the Environmental Media Association, a non-profit that works with the entertainment industry to encourage eco-friendly practices.4Drell, C. 2020. Madelaine Petsch Thinks We Should be More Radical. Elle. Available: [Accessed 8 September 2021].
“People make it seem like it’s so difficult. I want to teach people how positive and easy it is to be vegan—I don’t want to make it seem like it’s this big feat.”2Drell, C. 2020. Madelaine Petsch Thinks We Should be More Radical. Elle. Available: [Accessed 8 September 2021].