Jenny Pond

Hello! My name is Jenny, and I’m the artist behind JPArtwork. I’m from England, I was born in Kent in 1993, and since age 5 I’ve been living in Hampshire. I went Vegetarian first at age 14, and was on/off experimenting with Veganism; I started to fully transition beginning of 2016 and it took about a year to properly get the hang of everything – the obvious things to avoid are easy, but when it comes E-numbers, hidden ingredients and what to avoid in non-food products takes a little longer to become familiar with. Initially it was for the animals, and I wasn’t aware of how bad things were until I started to really research it – I just knew something was wrong with consuming animal products. The more I knew, the more going Vegan from Vegetarian made sense! I have discovered more about the impact we have on the environment, and as I’ve always been interested in Health I’ve looked further into the benefits of a Vegan diet in that area too; everything I’ve read and learned is in favour of being plant based and I’m now Vegan for all the main reasons: animals, health, and the planet.
In 2016 I did a large painting for James Aspey and donated it to him at the UK Vegan Camp Out that year; this inspired new me to get back into painting for good and build my own business selling my artwork.
I specialize in fine art and using acrylic paints, I paint mostly on canvas (either stretched onto a frame, or a flat canvas board) but if requested (I take commissions, which usually aren’t reproduced as prints unless I have permission from the commissioner) can paint on acrylic paper. The originals I create for my own projects are turned into prints – both of which are sold on my website.
5% of profit from prints go towards charities relevant to the projects I decide to do; for example the initial collection of animals in my first painting has donations doing go to James Aspey to help him with his work. Project 2 is on on Endangered UK Bug Species and donations will be going to ‘Back from the Brink’ which is a collection of projects going on until 2021 to reintroduce species back into the wild here in the UK, while donations from Project 3 will go towards Viva!
I’ve worked long and hard to make my business as eco-friendly as I can: I’ve researched all the materials I use to ensure they are cruelty free, with no animal derived ingredients, and 100% Vegan. Packaging for posting includes 100% recycled envelopes (so no new trees are harmed in the process), biodegradable paper tape made from 100% recycled paper and natural gum, and when I do craft markets I have biodegradable starch ‘plastic’ bags and paper bags if requested. I also source these items from companies with a good ethos and positive attitude towards ecoism.
I try not to waste anything I use, I’ll recyle everything I can, my rubbish bags are biodegradable, and I’m working towards being as minimal waste as possible with zero-waste as the goal!
Display items for craft fairs are handmade or secondhand, some of which I upcycle to make them into what I need. Prints are on bamboo 290gsm paper which is a wonderful alternative to trees and far more sustainable/environmentally friendly!
My Projects are designed to raise awareness about animals which need more publicity; when deciding the endangered bug species to paint for Project 2 I picked those which are less known by the majority. For example many people are aware that bees are under threat, but have no idea that the only native Cicada tin the UK (the Newforest Cicada) hasn’t been seen since the early 2000’s and there’s projects underway to see if they are located in areas not yet explored. Animals in the James Aspey painting weren’t chosen based on their endangerment, but all future projects are for animals who desperately need awareness raised for them.
With all that Viva! do in terms of animal awareness, Veganism and promoting positive change, I was immediately up for the idea of joining them and their Art for Animals Project so I could help to contribute towards helping them and what they do.
What to do if you buy Jenny Pond’s art
To support the vibrant artistry of Jenny Pond and contribute to Viva!, please follow these steps after your purchase:
- Firstly, communicate to Jenny Pond ( that your discovery of their work was through the Viva! website.
- Next, complete the form provided below. It’s a simple process that facilitates the contribution.
- Upon completion, Viva! will graciously receive a percentage donation of the sale price from Jenny Pond. Your patronage not only enriches your personal collection but also aids Viva! in its mission.
Contact Details:
E-mail address:
Facebook: @jennypondartwork
Instagram: @jpartwork
This post has been categorised in: Art, Art for animals, Lifestyle, Living Vegan